Kids Devotional

Kids Devotional

Get your 31-day devotional that explains God’s Word through fun and engaging stories that illustrate biblical truths and convey spiritual lessons the whole family can identify with!...
Treasure Box SG

Treasure Box SG

Children can’t sit down during adults service? Follow Treasure Box’s children’s program weekly. While you are attending our live streaming or at anytime of the day, you can let you child learn more about God too! Free activity sheets available for download. Treasure...
My “Lockdown” Diary

My “Lockdown” Diary

Why Lockdown Diary? Even though the world just became pretty different, there is still a lot to appreciate, like the small things you might not have noticed before! Download your diary here...
Pointing God to God’s Providence

Pointing God to God’s Providence

What questions are your kids verbalising and pondering as they live with you in close-quarters under this threat of the Covid-19 virus? What we teach them now will help them manage their fears and anxieties not only in these COVID-19 days, but for the rest of their...
Family Table Talk

Family Table Talk

During this pandemic time, families are spending time together at home. This is a great opportunity for mom and dad to engage the process of spiritual nurturing of your kids at home. Here are great resources offering various topics to help you have God-talk at home...