The families and the church should be the place where the kids feel comfortable asking questions and finding answers about sexuality. We hope to support you in setting them in God’s truth in this area. Find your resources here!
Do you find it hard to talk to our kids about sex? Why is it so? God created sexual relations as part of His design for us humans! Hence sex is good and glorifies God when it’s used according to His design.
Yet with the repeated exposure our kids have to the media (digital or otherwise), it is wise that we share with them God’s intention behind sex before or as the world teaches them a perspective that may very different from His. Like setting a clear foot print on a wet cement floor, we aim to set God’s truth in our kid’s hearts and mind before the world gives them a differing view about sex. This would also position the family as well as the church as the first reliable sources our kids should look at to find answers to their question about sex!
Here are some tips to start conversing with you kids about sex. You might find it hard initially , but the church is here to support you in setting them in God’s truth in this area. Read and be blessed!
How to Talk to Your Child About Sex
Why is it so HARD to talk to our kids about SEX? Even in our sexually saturated culture it is still difficult to talk about this very important subject. Can we offer a few suggestions?
Sex is God’s idea.
They need to hear the body mechanics of sex from you (not their peers, teachers, etc.) in as straightforward a way as possible. Men have X; women have Y, and God made them to fit together here (or something like that). But they also need to hear that sex is not bad or something dirty; it is a beautiful and wonderful gift for married couples. (Genesis 1:31)
Start early and talk about sex in small increments.
Do you remember your parents having “The Talk” with you? When you were approaching puberty, they finally worked up the courage to discuss the birds and bees and hoped that was the end of it. That’s just not enough! Start when your children are young by answering their questions. Use the proper terms for body parts (from noses to penises). Answer questions honestly (no, the stork doesn’t bring babies).
Don’t give them too much information at one time. Any subject is best taught through short bits of information with reinforcement later (think multiplication tables).
Use what they are seeing (billboards, TV, internet, etc.) to bring up the subject.
If you notice them staring at a sexy magazine at the checkout counter, ask them what they’re thinking and if they have questions. Use these times to share your values. In our efforts to protect them, we don’t talk about sex, but believe me, they are thinking about it and probably need to talk about it.
Talk to them about good touch/bad touch.
I hate that this subject has to even be discussed, but we need to empower our children to protect their bodies. Despite what we teach our children about “stranger danger”, most of the sexual molestation of children is from someone they know. Just as we teach them safety rules about riding their bikes and crossing the street, we must teach them rules about their bodies. It is NOT okay for anyone else to touch their private parts, and they should tell you if someone does. Teach them any exceptions (it is okay to let the doctor touch you if Mom/Dad is present). It is not okay to keep secrets even if someone they’re close to asks them not to tell anyone.
The Bible instructs us to teach our child as we sit, walk, get up, and go to bed (Deuteronomy 6:6-7). That includes talking about sex. Make your home a place where any question can be asked or any topic discussed. You are the best person to guide them through a sexually saturated culture.[/su_expand]